Are there areas in your business that you know need to change?

Should you change your sales strategy/product mix, have that ‘difficult conversation’ with an employee, increase prices and all the other questions that you may be asking yourself? As a result are you delaying these hard choices off until next month, next quarter or just some unknown time?

Inevitably, change in businesses is constant and maybe never ending but using Kotter’s Eight Step Process increases the chances of success.

It’s important to be aware that resistance to change can come in various forms; lack of teamwork or leadership, rigid workplace cultures, arrogant attitudes etc. All of these can disrupt any change implementation project.

Harvard Business Reviews research, indicates almost 70% of ALL organisational change initiatives fail.  John Kotter, the founder of Kotter International, broke down the organisational change management process into eight steps that we now know as Kotter’s Eight Step Model.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
— George Bernard Shaw

Do You Need to Make Changes in Your Business